My drawings are strictly connected to the architecture
Takmaj - Maja Wronska
Born on January 28th, 1989. She is a graduate of Warsaw University of Technology (Architecture faculty), and works as an architect and freelance illustrator.
What is your inspiration?
... My drawings are strictly connected to the architecture so, for sure, architecture is my inspiration. I started to draw ‘seriously’ during the drawing course on my studies. It was the way I spent my weekends and evenings during high school. When I started to study I gave drawing a miss. Then I realized that I had missed it very much. It’s a little bit strange but when Friday or Saturday morning is coming I feel the need of drawing. I think, my inspiration is the specific time in the week connected to the routine.
Are you a professional artist?
No, I’m an professional architect. I graduated Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology. It’s connected with artistic activity but it is different than painting or drawing. There are drawing and painting courses during the first two years but that’s all. We prepare architectonic projects but artistic activity is limited to designing nice architecture or making boards.